Overexposed to a potential E. Coli outbreak? Don’t take it lightly. It’s time to act decisively and protect your rights. If you suspect food poisoning due to E. Coli contamination, seeking legal advice should be your next move. Consult a lawyer who specializes in foodborne illness cases to ensure you get the justice and compensation… Read more »
E. Coli Outbreaks and the Legal Process for Affected Consumers

Legal process surrounding E. coli outbreaks can be a daunting and complex experience for consumers who have been affected. In recent years, cases of E. coli contamination in food products have raised serious concerns about food safety and consumer protection. Understanding the steps involved in the legal process can help affected individuals navigate the challenges… Read more »
Your Legal Rights in the Face of Food Contamination and Recall

Contamination of food products and recalls can be a serious concern for consumers, impacting not only their health but also their legal rights. In the event of a food contamination incident or a product recall, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of their rights and options for seeking compensation or holding responsible parties… Read more »
CDC Updates the General Mills E. Coli Outbreak

On July 1, 2016, the CDC issued an update to the E. coli outbreak associated with flour produced by General Mills. The updates states that as of June 28, 42 people have been sickened by E. coli bacteria. There have been four more cases of illness since the original announcement in early June. Those sickened… Read more »
FDA Provides Details About General Mills Investigation

Recently, the FDA provided more details about their investigation into the E. coli outbreak caused by General Mills flour. The FDA investigation began when the CDC notified them that they had detected a string of E. coli poisoning cases. The FDA attempted to find a source of the outbreak, but ran into problems because “When… Read more »
General Mills Flour Connected to E. coli Outbreak

General Mills Flour Connected to E. coli Outbreak On June 1, the CDC announced that they were involved in an investigation into an outbreak of E. coli connected to Gold Label Flour. The outbreak has sickened 38 people across 20 states. Ten people have been hospitalized for their illnesses. Those sickened by the outbreak had… Read more »
E. coli Outbreak Linked to Goat Dairy

The Connecticut Department of Public Health and the CDC have announced that they are investigating an outbreak of E. coli that has become associated with Oak Leaf Dairy. There have been 34 people sickened by E. coli in Connecticut. Out of the 34 sickened, 28 are children. Eighteen of the cases have occurred in children… Read more »
The E. coli Alfalfa Sprout Outbreak is Over

The CDC has declared that the outbreak of E. coli linked to alfalfa sprouts produced by Jack and The Green Sprouts is over. The outbreak was first announced a month ago, when 9 people were reported to be sick. The final case count of the outbreak is 11 cases of E. coli poisoning. All 11… Read more »
Oak Leaf Dairy Outbreak Expands

More and more cases of E. coli are being associated with Oak Leaf Dairy. There are now 41 cases of E. coli poisoning caused by the dairy. The large majority of E. coli cases (34 out of 41) occurred in children, with 22 of those children being under the age of 5. A total of… Read more »
Raw Milk Outbreak in California Expands

An outbreak of E.coli associated with raw milk produced by Organic Pastures Dairy has now sickened 10 people in California. Organic Pastures Dairy, which is based in Fresno County California, issued a recall for its raw milk back in January after internal testing revealed the presence of bacteria. Out of the 10 people sick… Read more »