The food poisoning lawyer focuses on cases that involve important social issues, serious injuries and negligent corporations.  Food poisoning, because of its pervasive nature, is one of the social issues The Law Firm has chosen to champMermanThe food poisoning lawyer is on his way to becoming the Dallas food poisoning lawyer for consumers in the hill country.  The Merman Law Firm recognizes that the best way to effect social change (ie. make food manufacturers and distributors accountable for their negligence) is by actively and aggressively pursuing litigation on behalf of innocent consumers victimized by food borne illnesses.  Legislation only gets us so far and products that have been recalled have already been caught by the only governmental agency charged with ensuring food safety, the FDA.  The offending companies have already broken the law, but the penalties are not strong enough to deter others from cutting corners handling our food.  Through litigation we bring the issue to the doorstep of those that have the power to correct the problem – the food manufacturers.  That is why Derek wants to be your Dallas food poisoning lawyer!